My new website coming soon,, not published yet… might take awhile…

I’ve written a lot about a lot and I’m feeling I’ll make it but right now I’m working on my home and my overall human rights situation and I may get my home ready to sell and be ready to move but then not move at all, but instead, seek employment and see if I can convince someone here in my community, well, my community is the Northwest… to hire me… to give me a chance and I’m not going to pretend this writing or my struggle doesn’t exist, so many people know and a lot of them are in show business so if I were to seek employment with the show business community here in Oregon, well, I would start with that nice lady I met at the Wayne Morse Gala.

So actually in the State of Oregon an employer or potential employer would not legally be able to ask an employee or a potential employee about political party affiliation or membership, it is illegal in Oregon if it involves the exchange of money and that also goes for someone giving someone money too… like an estate gifting a beneficiary money, they can’t legally demand a citizen vote this way or that way… it’s a crime called “voter coercion” and a message about that is printed on voter pamphlets in Oregon. Well, that nice lady I referred to above already knows I’m a lifelong member of the Democratic Party since she met me at an Oregon Democratic Party fundraising dinner… I’m not hiding my political opinions… most people I know already know my opinions and of course my opinions change and evolve over time, like anyone else. I’m ridin’ with Biden!

Well, I may start my own business instead of seeking a job or employment, haven’t decided, maybe a combination of both but for now I’m still working on my house, most of the work I’m doing myself so it is time consuming and that is one reason it will take me some time to edit my blog. I may delete most of it and just start over without rereading all my old writing. I think I will delete the old writing, I left it up for a very long time and I have archived copies but generally I want to start over now on my blog.

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site administrator and owner

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